Wednesday, February 21, 2007

A Foreign Place in A Foreign Time

I am now a full fledge student in the University of Queensland, being independent in this vast sea of humanity and knowledge. It is normal to feel loss, being away from family, but I will get adjusted to it, or at least will try to in the next few weeks.

It's strange how much you miss something when you know it isn't readily available to you. I miss my friends, family, weather (it is scorching here in Brisbane) and I am now stocking up on sunscreen.

Perhaps this is only the beginning, the syndrom that we all have when being away and faced with the unfortunate grim reality that you will be away for a long time from your roots. I understand now what root means, and how significant it is to give you some form of support and balance that we need so desperately in our lives.

Again, this is merely the surface, the next post could very well be full of fun and games, we will see. Until then, selamat malam..

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